Constructive Thinking (part 2)

This article is a continuation of the topic ‘Constructive Thinking’.

The main idea of the constructive thinking is that you can manage your emotions and your thoughts, and get a huge benefit from it. You get great opportunities. The whole world opens for you and becomes your friend.

Nevertheless, we can go further. We can completely exclude any negative thoughts, for any reason. You just need to have an intention for this.

Any thought which has a negative connotation, any negative judgment pollutes our consciousness. We do harm to ourselves, overshadowing and burdening our own lives. Of course, our world is not perfect and you are not satisfied with something in your life, perhaps you do something wrong. But, if you think about it, nothing will change and you will not do it better. At the same time, if you cheer yourself up and say to yourself ‘I can do it well’, you will be surprised with the results. Be a friend to yourself.

To make it easier to manage your thoughts, you need to analyze what is most important for you and build a hierarchy of values in your mind. It can be represented in the form of a pyramid, with your goal on the top. By the way, do you have a goal and how big is it?

If you have a big goal, it will organize your life and make it much easier and productive. You will cease to be distracted by obstacles, worries and other things that usually irritate you. It will save your strength, nerves and time. You will not have the time and the desire to react to interference and to be distracted by worries. Your attention will be directed to your goal, and, therefore, there will be no place for problems in your mind. Worries arises when our mind has nothing to do. Worries are parasites which living in our consciousness and feeding on our energy. If we are distracted by any kind of interference, we have not enough energy to achieve what we want.

But, when we have a clear idea what is important for us and what we want, the interference will lose any significance for us and, therefore, can not cause us damage.

This is the ‘Maslow’s pyramid of needs’. It can be used as a tool to analyze your current state. In your mind, go through each level of the pyramid and assess how much you are implemented and successful at each level. It will give you a clear vision of your life and understanding what is happening with you at the moment.

In addition, this is a good illustration to understand how it is profitable to have a goal or doing which is your passion. The goal or mission corresponds to the top of this pyramid. It means that if there are any troubles on the lower levels, you are in the least vulnerable position, because your ‘self‘, or, the focus of your consciousness is outside the problem area. When you are in this position, the problems look much smaller and, therefore, they are solved much easier.

This position gives you the opportunity to live in a dimension where there is no place for problems and worries.